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Expression & communication:

Creativity is the exteriorized expression of the flow of communication between ourselves and everything that happens to us in life.

In order to express it, a safe and suitable space is necessary, as well as a high level of self esteem and self confidence.

Leaving our comfort zone forms part of the creative process but there is a risk of being frustrated and rejected.

Removing the limits that surround our desire to control the creative process is essential. There has always been an attempt to control individuals and societies, a control of our basic creative and sexual instincts, via negation and prohibition. Thus we have found ourselves trapped and kidnapped in fears and behaviour as a result of denying our very natures, enjoyment and play beyond obligation and duty.

Moral, social, cultural and family restrictions can be a source of learning in the creative process. Breaking patterns of behaviour and personality, learned or acquired, with which we have identified for a long time but are not happy with is part of the process.

In my opinión, there is a re-definition of oneself while creating. It is not always what one expects to obtain, which can be frustrating, but in trial-and-error there is creation.

The key is to not give up. We can change direction, method of creation or let our ideas rest for a time… later return to them.

We should observe and listen to what our physical bodies and emotions tell us is important but, from my perspective, identifying with them as what we are is a social and mental construct. None of them are static, but modifiable and reactivating in our surroundings as well as our internal perception and thoughts. Thus, we change and evolve as individuals. We are constantly creating; our mental plasticity and adaptability are real and validated by neuroscience.

When we create, we express a very deep part of the self that is difficult to express in any other way.

I consider it essential to teach and encourage creativity in schools.

We all have something unique and genuine to contribute to society. Every creative process, every idea reinforces others, helping the evolutionary development of humanity as a species.

Get inspired!

Bibliography: Una mochila para el Universo, Elsa Punset. Ensayo sobre la ceguera, José Saramago. Los pilares de la Felicidad, Bernabé Tierno.



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