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Emitra is a bioenergetic healing and support system. Through the use of hand healing, a technique recognized by the World Health Organization, it affects the emotional and physical body. Each individual experiences different sensations during therapy: a simple relaxation, memories of experiences or emotions, or answers to deeper doubts of the being.


The energy body becomes unbalanced due to different causes: internal stressors (emotions, thoughts, physical postures, etc ...), external (work, social interaction, etc ...), or physical damage (accidents, etc). Emotional and physical imbalances generate blockages at the energy level.


After receiving the method, in the first session, the effect of the treatment continues for several months. It is advisable to have a dream journal as well as a reflective journal. More sessions may or may not be required.  


The method is not intended to cure physical illnesses. It is a technique of personal and creative growth, as well as cohesion and relaxation of the being. 


My approach is integrative and functional. I understand the disease as a loss of the balance between the physical body, mind, emotions, and energy body. Neuroscience and immunology show us the interrelationship between our mind, endocrine system, immune system and emotions, showing how the immune system is activated and re-activated in the face of any physical or emotional stress, generating a generalized inflammatory response. Modulating this response, the origin of many of the diseases known today as "civilization or chronic", requires an integrative approach to lifestyles, environmental pollution, gene expression and individual biography. 


Kinesiology is a muscle test that is translated into an AR (arm reflex), which allows you to access information contained in the physical, emotional and energetic body. It is based on the correlation between organs-energy system and muscles.

Any factor that stresses us causes a change in the dominant muscle chain, translating into a difference in length between our limbs that the arm reflex gives us.  

In approaching the client with Holistic kinesiology I use the following therapies:

Integrative Flower Therapy | Systemic-Emotional Approach | Cellular Nutrition and diet therapy


Integrative Flower Therapy

Recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) since 1976. Flower therapies are a vibrational medicine.  Safe and effective. They help regulate emotions for emotional, physical and mental well-being and balance. They are based on the preparation of floral elixirs through a process of dilution and concentration of each essence.


In my practice, I use Bach flowers and Triunity essences.  

Flower therapy is very much integrated into my normal life.


Systemic-Emotional Approach

The systemic approach analyzes the interrelation between the individual and the family, work and social environment in which he is immersed. Use from simple and simple systemic movements, to complex therapies such as family constellations. The individual, by using a representation of the family or social situation, can take a new perspective on the problem. Emotional work has a Gestalt approach. It favors the communication of emotions, by means of a previous individual work to identify them.


A safe and calm environment is generated. Emotions are destigmatized as negative or positive, and their expression and release are allowed.


Cellular Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Cellular nutrition, as its name defines it, is a diet therapy focused on improving cell function. Through cell detoxification diets and optimization of cell function, many physical, mental and emotional conditions can be improved. These diets are adapted to each individual situation, with the use of vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements.

For example, stress and anxiety problems, intestinal dysbiosis, overweight, etc. are addressed.


"Let your food be your medicine", Felipe Hernández. "AntiCancer", Dr David Serván-Schreiber. "The Inflamed mind", Dr Edward Bullmore. "The 4 Pillar plan", Dr Rangan Chartterjee. "Perfect Health", Dr Deepak Chopra. "Why we get sick", Dr Benjamin Bikman.

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